Self-Autonomy is a fundamental personal right that government has no business being involved in. From access to a healthy pregnancy to a safe abortion and affordable contraception to fully supported adoption and foster care programs. You have a right to your own body and should be afforded every option possible to ensure you can be at peace with whatever decision you make.

As your delegate, I will support:

  • Enshrining Roe v. Wade & contraceptive access into the Virginia Constitution;
  • Protecting funding to ensure every Virginian has access to effective contraception;
  • Creating safe, healthy environments for those who are pregnant;
  • Funding foster care programs and expand access to adopt for LGBTQIA+ Couples.

The rise of historic inflation in the face of continual stagnation of wages is perhaps the biggest immediate threat to Virginia’s Families. With the largest corporations and wealthiest Virginians continue to see increases in profit that outpace inflation we must look at how we can restore the economy to its previous balance.

As your delegate, I will support:

  • Eliminating Virginia’s anti-Union “Right-to-Work” laws;
  • Raising and indexing the VA minimum wage to increases in inflation & productivity;
  • Creating a progressive tax system that lowers taxes on working and middle class families as well as small business and raises taxes for the wealthiest Virginians and corporations;
  • Keeping Domion Energy accountable for overcharging Ratepayers.

Protecting and expanding access to quality, accessible, affordable healthcare is a top priority. As an individual with chronic and autoimmune diseases that require long term health planning I understand this personally. Every Virginian should be able to afford and receive quick access to healthcare and prescription medication.

As your delegate, I will support:

  • Capping prescription cost for Virginia’s working families;
  • Establishing & Funding a Paid Family Leave Program for all Virginians so that families don’t have to choose between getting better or earning enough money;
  • Investing in accessible mental health programs with a focus on our at-risk community members and youth.

As a student during the COVID-19 Pandemic I understand from first-hand experience the harm received from the lack of social learning and interaction that compounded with the under funding of Virginia’s public school systems & institutions of higher education.

As your delegate, I will support:

  • Restoring public education funding to per-recession (’08) levels as adjusted for inflation;
  • Continuing to invest in expanded trades education for our youth;
  • Ensuring every school in the Commonwealth has one full-time school psychologist, social worker, and nurse;
  • Funding an annual mental health screenings for youth aged 13+ as recommended by the APA;
  • Creating a statewide framework for the enactment of a restorative discipline approach;
  • Protecting our students of trans & queer experience;
  • Funding affordable housing for our college & trade school graduates.

Virginia and the wider Global Community are faced with numerous Environmental Crisis from Climate Change and Sea Level Rise to a Sixth Mass Extinction. Yet, Hampton Roads is poised to be a global leader in a green transition that even rivals China while preserving our rural farmlands and native ecosystems.

As your delegate, I will support:

  • Re-Entering the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI);
  • Funding micro-generation grants for our working families and at-risk communities;
  • Investing in the infrastructure improvements for Hampton Roads to attract Green Energy Manufacturers;
  • Enacting a Climate Curriculum Framework for our Public Schools;
  • Investing in Regenerative Farming Grants for new and established small farmers;
  • Protecting Suffolk & Chesapeake’s farmlands from over-development by investing in eco- & agro-tourism grant for small farmers.

Our veterans pay the ultimate sacrifice giving up time with their families, their health & well being, and even their lives. As someone whose father was 100% disabled from their time in the military, I understand just how important it is to stand up for our veterans and their families.

As your delegate, I will support:

  • Protecting the VMSDEP Program as it was;
  • Investing in free work force development programs and affordable housing opportunities for our veterans and their families;
  • Creating programs that pick-up where the VA cuts off to ensure our veterans have quality care in the face of federal defunding of the VA;
  • Expanding tax exemptions for our veterans and their families who were KIA or DIA;
  • Expanding access to experimental forms of medical recovery for chronic illnesses including ketamine and psychedelic mushrooms.

From gun violence to theft crime is an issue that impacts all of us. The best solution is to arm our public safety officers with the resources needed to prevent crime before it can even erupt through community building and other preventative initiatives.

As your delegate, I will support:

  • Passing common sense gun laws that with protections that prevent targeted marginalized of our BIPOC community members;
  • Legalizing marijuana and decriminalizing drug possession;
  • Decriminalizing homelessness and investing in programs that get people off the streets with short-term homes, good-paying jobs & training, and medical care;
  • Making it possible for localities to create community controlled police departments;
  • Funding & equipping our law enforcement departments with dedicated mental health professionals.

There is nothing more important than protecting and expanding America’s democracy to ensure resilience. Coming from a background in independent politics, I am a strong supporter of policies that will give YOU more choices in the ballot box.

As your delegate, I will support:

  • Guaranteeing voter access to the polls from restrictive policies that limit working family participation;
  • Expanding Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) for local, state, and federal elections;
  • Reforming campaign finance laws to restrict the influence of corporations & the wealthy from meddling in our elections;
  • Protecting local November elections and ensuring all localities over 250,000 use single-member district or ward systems;
  • Enacting a framework to transition away from the current electoral system towards publicly funded elections;
  • Protecting access to the ballot in partisan races for major third parties;
  • Enacting a system for voters to sign ballot petitions virtually for all elections;
  • Creating publicly auditable elections so that you can verify the results yourself.

From racial discrimination to the invasion of your privacy you deserve your constitutional rights including to privacy and from discrimination. As the first state of the Union, we have gotten a lot wrong yet we continue to learn and improve to be a symbol for what the south should be.

As your delegate, I will support:

  • Investing in public, mixed-income housing projects that ensure everyone has access to safe housing;
  • Banning government use of facial-recognition systems that invade personal privacy;
  • Enacting a study to investigate the implementation of reparations for our BIPOC communities;
  • Investing in grant programs for SWAM businesses.